Sitting Is Hard

“I rarely sit alone, it’s too difficult to maintain a practice” – the reality of a meditation practice being discussed between two teachers; lived in a monastery kind of teachers; teaching for 10 years and practicing for 20 kind of teachers.

Yeah, this meditation stuff ain’t easy. We’re battling a brain still built for fighting off tigers and foraging for food, that is now immersed in a world grasping for its attention every second of the day. We quite literally have the world at our fingertips and we’re being asked to put that world aside for 10 or 20 minutes. That challenge is harder than ever and because of that, it’s now more important than ever.

The only solution for these teachers was the support of others. By joining or starting meditation groups they are forced to show up, forced to remain focused through discomfort, distraction or just plain tiredness. We show up for practice because the rest of the band or team shows up; because to let our brothers and sisters down is bigger then letting ourselves down. 

We all need help, we all need support to navigate the hard stuff, to overcome the challenges. Their is no expectation we can do this alone. So, grab a buddy, join a group, there are people meditating everywhere and more than enough tools to find them. Remember, we have the world at our fingertips, let’s use it to support ourselves and each other.